Join our free Golders Green community local directory
Love Golders is looking to uncover the creatives, arty types, foodies and history buffs in the Golders Green community. Where are you all hiding?
We’d like to start organising local Golders Green events, art projects, murals and local guided walks, so we will need a network of people to call on when the time is right.
Are you an individual or small business living or working in Golders Green? Please read the criteria on our sign up page:
Bakers & Caterers

Andrew Plaskow
Artisan baker of cakes, biscuits and bread.
Bake with Maria
Baker of cakes, breads and pastries. Maria runs courses locally at The Baking Lab.
Creatives & Makers

Beatrice Baumgartner-Cohen
Illustrator and Live Graphic Recorder
Beatrice is an illustrator and live graphic recorder.
Artist, Digital Media Specialist, Filmmaker, Author
Harnessing new immersive and cutting edge technologies, DreamStudio delivers innovative art and media experiences that reach out across communities, engaging new audiences, artists and creatives.
Kochi Okada
Jewellery Maker
Kochi Trained as a jeweller in Hatton Garden, London. She creates limited editions and one-offs. All Kochi’s jewellery is made from the finest materials.
Tamara Tolley
Artist, Poet and Creative Writer
Tamara’s expressive and vibrant artworks have sold at Royal Academy summer exhibitions, Royal Watercolour Opens and to private collectors via Instagram. She has had two solo shows in Barbican and Islington.
Matt Wasser
Graphic Designer, 2D Animator, Web & App Designer
Matt Wasser is a local graphic designer specialising in web design, motion graphics and mobile applications. He lived in Golders Green during his teenage years and has recently moved back to the area. He is a co-founder of LoveGolders and designed this website.
Local Historians & Tour Guides

Paul Baker
Local Tour Guide
Paul is a qualified City of London tour guide. He offers guided tours of Golders Green, Hampstead Garden Suburb, the rest of the Borough of Barnet, and all over London.
Writers & Literature

Exiled Writers Ink
Exiled Writers and Literature
Exiled Writers Ink develops and promotes the creative literary expression of refugees and migrants London-wide, facilitates cross-cultural dialogue and challenges human rights’ abuses though literary activism.
Jason Korsner
Children’s Author
Jason has published 3 rhyming children’s books: A Zoo In My Shoe, the BookTrust recommended I Like To Put Food In My Welly and What Can You See?